“First game in the tournament, playing against Slann. The Slann opted for a kroxigor in their starting roster, and I was concerned that he would smash my thralls to bits. As my ball carriers has ST 4 I was not worried about him leaping in and blitzing my ball carrier out of the blue, as long as I had somewhat of a cage.
During the first half the ball landed deep so I had to take a few turns retrieving it. A few players got knocked out and General Zod got banished for fouling (no surprise there. The Kroxigor tried to surf a vampire, but got stupid and didn't do anything, something that lasted the entire game. Running low on players, lord Voldemort ran towards the finish line and got blitzed by the Kroxigor, the krox got both down and he dropped the ball. Sauron picked up the ball and scored, leaving the Slann 2 turns to score. The Slann team lost their last reroll blocking on the los and we knocked their catcher in scoring position out.
During the second drive the kroxigor knocked himself down right away, delaying the Slann game plan. A faulty cage allowed Lord Voldemort to blitz the ball carrier and knocked the ball loose, which we needed thanks to the thralls getting knocked out and only 4 remaining on the pitch. Some amount of luck allowed us to get the ball and handing the ball the Sauron for his second touch down.
A good first game decent winnings and no casualties on both teams. The team got an apothecary and Saruon gained block.
During the first half the ball landed deep so I had to take a few turns retrieving it. A few players got knocked out and General Zod got banished for fouling (no surprise there. The Kroxigor tried to surf a vampire, but got stupid and didn't do anything, something that lasted the entire game. Running low on players, lord Voldemort ran towards the finish line and got blitzed by the Kroxigor, the krox got both down and he dropped the ball. Sauron picked up the ball and scored, leaving the Slann 2 turns to score. The Slann team lost their last reroll blocking on the los and we knocked their catcher in scoring position out.
During the second drive the kroxigor knocked himself down right away, delaying the Slann game plan. A faulty cage allowed Lord Voldemort to blitz the ball carrier and knocked the ball loose, which we needed thanks to the thralls getting knocked out and only 4 remaining on the pitch. Some amount of luck allowed us to get the ball and handing the ball the Sauron for his second touch down.
A good first game decent winnings and no casualties on both teams. The team got an apothecary and Saruon gained block.