“While i'd have to agree i managed to pull of some fantastic maneuvers (especially in the very last turn) i'd never say that having a run of bad luck should make the game stop being fun. You played well and we both had times where one of us could have killed of the competition early, but in the end it came down to the wire.
The Red Fang's coach, Kram Hogburn was asked to comment on the debut performance of his team by press, and had this to say:
"i was 'appy wiv da boys gettin' a win today, and a speshul shout out goes ta Gadush and Ragarn, i've neva SEEN dat kinda passin' outta fresh boys loike dat. Gad'll go far if e' can be arf as good wiv is feet as e' is wiv is 'ands!"”
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