CTV 1170k+50k Chaos Chosen


Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
Goblin CTV 1240k

13000 (1 FAME)

#8 Irgor – Smashed Knee (NI)
#9 Snazgor – Dead (RIP)
#12 Gralgor – Dead (RIP)
#3 Square Go – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Chaos Waste Marauders went in to cause pain, killing Square Go before he even had a chance to try out his new skill. Their coach ordered his players to continue to smash and foul their way to victory.
Wee Yins rose to the occasion though. Wet Fart showed that if it was going to be a fouling game, there are none better than goblins. Using his patented fouling technique (which is far to gruesome to explain here) he killed beastman Gralsor.
The specist ref ejected five goblins and no chaos, quickly dwindling the numbers. It was a good thing The Big Yin started making her presence felt, smashing one beastman's knee and killing another one.
What about the scoring? Well, Plooky used his dodging and side-stepping skills to the max, elegantly avoiding any hits while running between two chaos warriors and a beastman to score the touchdown. In the second half Wee Yins were unable to stop Chaos Waste Marauders from equalising. The Big Yin made a last desperate effort to stop them by picking up Teuchter and throwing him at the ST4 AV4 ball carrier. Unfortunately she just missed, sending poor Teuchter smashing into the ground.
Great game! Even Square Go's mother said so when we handed over the smashed up remains of her son.”