CTV 1930k Lizardmen

50k (-20000)
13000 (1 FAME)
No change

Skaven CTV 1780k+150k
50k (-10000)


No change
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, 1 wandering apothecary
#11 Jeremiah Rose – Dead (RIP)
#10 Zzippy – Dead (RIP)
#13 Zip – Broken Jaw (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
For some reason, the Roughriders felt it a good idea to not stall and score one their turn 6, leaving me 2 turns to score, which I did. But then they pulled off a great 1-turn score, (pushing players around and such). I tried it on my turn 8, but SS foiled my plan -- and I didn't realize it till after I set up.
Still, got 3 new skills, Zzagan adds str 4 to his Claw, Hyper Speed gets sprint (so now I can OTS without a push) and Zzing gets Dauntless (it might help him as he has diving catch).
Fired Brain (MA5 guard/mblow), as I just finally got tired of his MA 5. Have not replaced Zzippy (blocking linerat that died), so I'm at 11 players for next match..but no journeymen.