“This team has 2 games under their belt and the Box set them up with a 27 game Skaven team. Easy 3 turn score for him, and then 2 Blitzes on the next 2 Kick Offs. It was a stupid match up and down 3-0 by turn 5. He wasnt min maxing by any means, but the game finder matches them up that way regardless, how can I not be frustrated with the system? The game was over before it started. I had no chance. This drags the fun into the mud for me and I hate the system because of it. I also hate playing ranked, but it is much better than Box as of late. I hate to admit that, but it is. It was a fricken joke.
I voiced my frustrations because I was angry at the set up. Im sorry to my opponent that it may have seemed I was angry at him. ”
I voiced my frustrations because I was angry at the set up. Im sorry to my opponent that it may have seemed I was angry at him. ”