“A fun game where the Tits had the luck on their side. (cas+elf fails bleeding their re-rolls) One major and stupid inatentive error on my part led to a 0-0 score at the half, me letting him wrestle me down instead of me selecting a push on the -2d block. I deserved to lose.
He scores easily, and than I risk scoring quick as well, going for the 11 vs 9 win against the same 9 that had just scored in 2 turns. Not smart, but interesting. I got lucky and it paid off.
A very patient opponent, as my connection was very slow. Logo to come soon, sir. Thanks for the game.”
He scores easily, and than I risk scoring quick as well, going for the 11 vs 9 win against the same 9 that had just scored in 2 turns. Not smart, but interesting. I got lucky and it paid off.
A very patient opponent, as my connection was very slow. Logo to come soon, sir. Thanks for the game.”