CTV 1780k+300k Lizardmen
50k (-10000)
No change
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, Star player Slibli
Chaos Chosen CTV 2110k
70k (-30000)
20000 (1 FAME)
#10 Loren Jaffray – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#12 Nathan Armstrong – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#90 Slibli – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
#7 Dirty KenThis – Damaged Back (NI)
#12 Drunk KenThis – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#13 Ashamed KenThis – Serious Concussion (-AV)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Don't be fooled by the casualty stats–– the lizards managed to bash their way through with their regular gusto, whereas Murderby Numbers couldn't even do so much as hurt a skink until turn 5. Clawing, piling on--- nothing could manage to push their Armor rolls higher than 6. Added to this was a Blitz! on the opening kick-off, which–– while the Chaos recovered admirably–– left their team spread too thin, with all their slow killers now unsupported on the LOS and all their mobile guarders pulled into the backfield. Through sheer brute force (aided by Slibli and Break Tackle) the lizards ripped through and took the ball, scoring on turn 5.
Again the Lizards set up to kick, and again the opening blocks by Murderby Numbers were fruitless. Again Rhonda Snord broke free and loosed the ball, and again the Lizards scored.
In the second half, things got a little more interesting, now 10v10, which soon became 10v9, but then swung back to 8v9 as the claw finally began to find purchase. Meanwhile, Slibli took block after block, pile after pile, and still somehow managed to get by completely unscathed, until finally falling with a smashed ankle. After a hasty retreat and a switch of sides, we were able to pull a skink gambit and got the ball to Greyson, who picked it up on the first try and scored.
The last drive felt much like the second, with a breakaway blitz on the ball, and some skinky magic. Murderby Numbers managed their best hits on the 16 clean-up. KenThis swallowed the bad dice admirably, probably assisted by the high-proof liquor that he brews from the tears of Murderby Numbers' other opponents.
All in all, a weird coincidence of terrible dice for the Chaos and great dice for the Lizards. As KenThis pointed out, things have a habit of balancing out... so somewhere in the future, there is a very, very dark game in store for us.”