CTV 1310k Ogre

11000 (1 FAME)
No change

Chaos Dwarf CTV 1140k+150k


Inducements: 1 wizard
#7 Shane Mcmahon the 8th – Dead (RIP)
#17 Xavier Fastrock – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#18 Duane Silentwing – Fractured Skull (-AV)
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Second half we couldn't kick the ball over the LOS so it was touched back to the centaur. As he switched sides he made an error and tripped over a little snotling. Here was our chance witha pickup and handoff needed to send us on our way toscore. Alas Lucan was still out, the first snot needed his training to pickup and the next snot spooned the catch horribly. After a failed showboating pass attempt by a hobbo we did get a tricky pass attempt ourselves but the snot fumbled. A pretty poor performance again today though again it was key Snotling snakes that hurt us the most. We did permanently injure a couple of journeyhobs and the snots tripped the carrier last turn but it wasn't enough. But the Ogres will be back!