CTV 1380k+330k Goblin

19000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 wizard, 1 bloodweiser keg, 4 bribes, Star player Fungus the Loon
Orc CTV 1730k


Inducements: 2 bribes
#2 Wrecker Hogans – Groin Strain (MNG)
#3 Chaka Carver – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#5 Grinder Rountree – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Season 4, Round 1
Fungus da Loon caused a glitch da first time we tried to play dis match. Naturally everything wuz going da Maniorx way, too. Boo, Fungus! If youz Wrestle a Ball & Chain down, don't foulz it!
Both of our foulz used up our Bribe da first time. Da gobbos got to foul wit almost no send offs. Gobbos also switched armor wit da Maniorx for second game cuz dey wuz breaking it all game. Yomama got KO'd and never came back. Apo failed to save Chaka, so now he's retired to da scoutin' departmunt. Really could 'uv uzed dat apo on eider Wrecker or Grinder. Grinder, y u headbutt chainsaw in T16? Better question, y u get hurtz!?!
Not da start to da season da Maniorx wuz lookin' for. Gunna make every gobbo team we face pay for Lonely Goblin's insolunce and cheatiness. Good game, uzkulak. We will crush you next time ;) And your Fungus, too!”