CTV 1830k+350k Tomb Kings

10k (-10000)

Inducements: 1 wizard, 1 Igor, 1 bribe
Chaos Dwarf CTV 2180k
30k (-30000)

16000 (1 FAME)

#4 Salazar – Smashed Knee (NI)
#9 Panabang – Damaged Back (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
(Clawpombers get so upset when they get beat down and cannot get any cas)
My attitude was fine...the entire game this guy pines about my lack of skillfull play. I may have been fouling, but HE was the poor sport.
Pretty sore winner if you ask me...no serious damage done to his team and he won the game. Fact is my depopulation didnt work fast enough and his stalling pretty much kept me from tying it up.
Never once did I complain though...sure I fouled...he stalled...and I was playing a team at a 350TR deficit.
YOU SIR, are the one who needs to grow up. I'm sorry for my "lack of skill". Perhaps you should scout your opponent next time before you start the game, instead of just seeing a lower coach value with a much lower TR rating and thinking to yourself! SWEET! EASY WIN!
Sorry you had such a bad time...I had a good time, except for your incessant whining.
Try to grow up a bit, it's just a game dood.
...and just like in the game...you are the first one to complain. You HAD to put more snarky remarks in the comment section. FIRST, I might add. Couldnt let it go could you?
I don't think there WILL be a rematch. I prefer to play adults. Ones that don't get so upset when their pixels get bruised.
...exactly, a games a game. Learn it Junior. You are the one getting upset.
If it bores you so much...stop posting? Yawn indeed!
hahaha...its funny when 11year olds get on daddy's computer and try to be clever after crying about a game! YAWN3
...well as stimulating as this is, (it isnt) I'd rather be playing a game. G'nite Junior.
Whiner gets last word in 3...2...1...”