CTV 970k+930k Shambling Undead

No change

Inducements: 1 wizard, 2 bribes, Star player Hack Enslash, Star player Count Luthor Von Drakenborg, Mercenary Merc Zombie 1
Shambling Undead CTV 1910k
30k (-20000)

20000 (1 FAME)

#2 Fawcett – Broken Neck (-AG)
#6 Akers – Gouged Eye (MNG)
#11 O'Reilly – Dead (RIP)
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Round 2
I was a little nervous giving up so many inducements. The last time one of my teams gave up this much, we lost in OT and the chainsaw (orc version) mauled us badly. This game basicly played out as would be expected. Garnak played well and was able to score, but he used up all his rerolls and gave me a chance to counterscore. However, he defended it well and I screwed up positioning on T8 and failed to get the TD. Second half Garnak used the wizard early and it didn't knock the ball loose. Then I just started raining CAS and KO on his unskilled players and was able to score in T5. I gambled that I could turn him over and score a 2nd TD without going to OT and it paid off. He was down numbers and used his last reroll early, but it was still a challenge because Count Luthor had the ball. That guy is almost a one-man team, but my ghouls were able to come through with a handoff/catch in the Bright sun (stayed Sunny for 15 turns). Lilly ended the game with a pass to Luthor and 4 SPPs.
Thanks for the game, Garnak, and good luck with the team.”