“A very messy game for the orcs, lucky to come away with a draw. Things started badly with the loss of their Troll and followed up a little later with three players taken out in one turn. Along with some bad positioning, and good play from France the first half ended 0-1 with 4 orcs on the field.
The second half did not start well. Reliance on their thrower to compensate for a deficient of players left them 3 men down with the ball in open space only a few feet from the half way line. France recovered nicely and looked like they'd score again except for a brave blitz by a Bob. The result was a block fest, which left 6 players a piece on the field.
On their last turn the orcs tried something risky. With no rerolls they pulled off:
1) two dice block (push required)
2) a 3+ dodge
3) two dice block (push required)
4) 3+ pick up
5) 3+ catch (after hand off)
6) 2+ gfi
7) 2+ gfi
Samba gives a chance of just over 16% for that to successfully occur and the orcs to draw the match.”
“Very pleasant game. I had all the luck with the blocks in the first half, putting all but four players off the pitch. Although most of them came back due to successful K.O. rolls, it was still 11 vs 8 at the start of the second half. I managed to get to the ball early, but an amazing 7 failed pick ups eventually gave my esteemed opponent his well deserved equaliser.
Always a pleasure to play against someone who takes the game with good humour - it makes it so much easier to do the same.”
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The second half did not start well. Reliance on their thrower to compensate for a deficient of players left them 3 men down with the ball in open space only a few feet from the half way line. France recovered nicely and looked like they'd score again except for a brave blitz by a Bob. The result was a block fest, which left 6 players a piece on the field.
On their last turn the orcs tried something risky. With no rerolls they pulled off:
1) two dice block (push required)
2) a 3+ dodge
3) two dice block (push required)
4) 3+ pick up
5) 3+ catch (after hand off)
6) 2+ gfi
7) 2+ gfi
Samba gives a chance of just over 16% for that to successfully occur and the orcs to draw the match.”