CTV 2210k+50k Necromantic Horror

50k (-40000)
21000 (1 FAME)
No change

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
Chaos Chosen CTV 2140k+150k
60k (-40000)


Inducements: 1 wizard
#5 The Rock – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
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Game where Necromantics got unforlorn! :)
The Necs did some good KOing right from the start. However, they still got into big trouble in there own drive as the Chaos wizard struck down the Nec's ball carrying Ghoul before some ball-play loving Beastmen managed to get away with the round leather. There was only one wolf left in reach to bring down the beastman.. and so he did. Ball scatters were definitely in favor of the Necs throughout the game. This was no exception and the ball landed in filthy wight hands, which secured the 0:0 after first half.
2nd half started with still 11 guys on both sides. The clawed Chaos executioners didn't excel that good in their given task to thin out the zombies thrown at them. A really bad blocking turn for the EoE opened up a hole to their ball carrier. Fetching a ball isn't something a Gbangoo wolf has to be asked of twice. The BC was brought down and the ball scattered in perfect pickup position for a wight. A turn later, a dirty zombie foul killed one of the S5 Chaos Warriors. The foul was not only dirty because the zombie definitely knew what he was doing, it also happened after the 4min whistle was blown and the ref therefore already looked the other way. Cheers to Battlelore for letting that pass.
Distractions at the coach box (at least so coach Jokaero claims) led to some noobish positioning, giving the Executioners an easy 2D on the ball carrier. A gift they gladly accepted. Ball bounced to a Beastman that had already moved and with lots of guarders and 2 wolves in reach, it didn't take huge effort to bring the beastman down with one wolf and pick up the ball and run away with the other. A beastman still brought the wolf down but unfortunately for Chaos, there was no help in sight and so the two wolves joined forces to stun the beast and secure the first major win for a Necromantic team!
The Nec coach would like to thank his opponent Battlelore for a tough fight and for being a great sportsman. Nuffle really wanted to have Necs unforlorn and clearly showed that in terms of dice and in forgiving mistakes.
Also thanks to the Necromantic supporters among the fans who hopefully were not too disappointed by some weird plays. It was all part of the plan (yea, right! ;-) )