“Close and brutal, this one almost got away, but victory was still ours!
The Chariots claim the kickoff and begin busting heads, but only for KOs! In return, casualties abound! But the power of the Dark Rider doesn't fail, and both journeyman and lineman score! Hail!
Hail to Karl Axmaster who receives the Eye of God, and is blessed (finally) with block! Now thy reign of terror begins!
And to Barf who passes into infamy and gains courage (+1av)!
The Chariots claim the kickoff and begin busting heads, but only for KOs! In return, casualties abound! But the power of the Dark Rider doesn't fail, and both journeyman and lineman score! Hail!
Hail to Karl Axmaster who receives the Eye of God, and is blessed (finally) with block! Now thy reign of terror begins!
And to Barf who passes into infamy and gains courage (+1av)!
Forward march!”