CTV 1660k+470k Dwarf

19000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 bribe, 1 wizard, 2 bloodweiser kegs, Star player Barik Farblast, Star player Boomer Eziasson
Dwarf CTV 2130k
30k (-30000)


No change
#8 Darmund – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#13 Iris – Fractured Leg (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Good first half, we stole and scored.
Nightmare 2nd half, we lost the ball and too many players and were scored on.
Overtime we lose the toss again but then managed to steal but then a failed dodge with the ball(which would and pretty much secured the win) and was stunned.
Opponent had no rr's but had no problem making blocks, picking up the ball and gfi'ing 3 times to win the game.
My boys forgot to wear their armour but Gotrek and Co. were all but unbreakable.
Gotrek himself seems lightly armoured and vulnerable but we knocked him down over and over to no avail.
Good luck to Fantabulor in the next round.
ARRG this reminded me what a frustrating game this was.
My hard earned win stolen away and nothing i can do about it.
Twice failed 3+ with a rr, then to watch my opponent with all those rolls in overtime with no rr's and everything works, maddening.
Anyway thanks for the well wishes, we are not in XFL Undead but we are in XFL Underworld. Maybe our luck with Underworld will be better, it certainly couldn't be any worse!!
Will have to take you up on the rematch offer. Still going over this one in my head, can't believe Gotrek was never taken off the pitch with all the those knockdowns and even a lightning bolt couldn't stop him. Gotrek must die, no other way to erase the stain upon our honour.