#1 Big Rick – Fractured Arm (MNG) #12 Paul Quickfist – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
“Some games you are not meant to win. Only SPP were from the MVP.
1st half, Pitch invasion Stunned 4 of my guys and 3 of his. Early on, I realized my guys had not come to play ball, as the 1st two turn all 3 of my blocks were pushes..one of which frenzy pushed a TG next to my ball carrier (I'm usually better at planning my frenzy pushes--the team I like to coach the most is dwarves...) Anyway, Big Rick fails to blitz turn 1, then does the aforementioned frenzy pushes..then gets SI'd. Did not get better from there. I'm not a good enough coach to recover from bad rolls--in fact I often need to rely on good rolls to be able to do anything at all. Combine poor coaching with bad blocking (at least 4 times I ended a turn due to Skulls or POW/Skulls with blockless players).
2nd half, did not fare any better. Probably concentrated too much on trying to get the STR 6 TG down. A Blitz couldn't even help me at all. I'd say at least 1/2 of my blocks or more ended with just pushes or me falling down.
still, GrimmyBone did manage to get the MVP and Mighty blow to go along with his Jump Up and Claw..can he survive with AV 8 to get Piling On? only time will tell! ”
1st half, Pitch invasion Stunned 4 of my guys and 3 of his. Early on, I realized my guys had not come to play ball, as the 1st two turn all 3 of my blocks were pushes..one of which frenzy pushed a TG next to my ball carrier (I'm usually better at planning my frenzy pushes--the team I like to coach the most is dwarves...) Anyway, Big Rick fails to blitz turn 1, then does the aforementioned frenzy pushes..then gets SI'd. Did not get better from there. I'm not a good enough coach to recover from bad rolls--in fact I often need to rely on good rolls to be able to do anything at all. Combine poor coaching with bad blocking (at least 4 times I ended a turn due to Skulls or POW/Skulls with blockless players).
2nd half, did not fare any better. Probably concentrated too much on trying to get the STR 6 TG down. A Blitz couldn't even help me at all. I'd say at least 1/2 of my blocks or more ended with just pushes or me falling down.
still, GrimmyBone did manage to get the MVP and Mighty blow to go along with his Jump Up and Claw..can he survive with AV 8 to get Piling On? only time will tell!