CTV 1360k Norse
14000 (1 FAME)
Dwarf CTV 1210k+150k
Inducements: 1 wandering apothecary, 1 bloodweiser keg
#7 Bjarni – Groin Strain (MNG)
#17 Paul Truehawk – Smashed Knee (NI)
#19 Paul Silentstream – Smashed Hand (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Dwarves chose to kick, and the ball landed wide on the LoS with a Blitz! result! But the Ag 2 catch failed and the ball bounced OB - in the hands of an ulf on the far side of the field, dwarves out of position, game on. However, the dwarves took out key players those first turns (a Guard BH and the BT Ulf KO'd), and the Sons could only Stall for 2 turns with a Turn 5 score, trusting that 4 turns was not enough time for a stubby-legged response. A Riot undermined that assumption, but a HMP fell within reach, and after a scramble the Sons had a chance (2 in fact) for an Ag 4 pass - but the lone GFI failed, half over, 1-0.
However, in that last defensive turn, the Dwarves took out 3 more players - a j-man KO'd and another MNG'd, and the MB Blitzer permed (-MA) but only MNG via Apo.
But that left only 7 to face the dwarves 2nd half. The Sons were able to create good pressure initially, marking the ballcarrier with an Ulf and generally pushing into the backfield, but Ag 3 dodges did not fail, and the ball was caged midfield Turn 2. Another attempt at pressure failed with a skulled Ulf blitz, and, having niggled another j-man the dwarves pushed forward for the win with a Turn 4 score, leaving the remaining 7 Sons 5 Turns to... not lose.
The mid-backfield pickup failed and the dwarves pushed up, but an opening 1d allowed the Sons to "punt" the ball deep behind the over-aggressive dwarves. Not all avenues were shut down, and an Ulf blitz allowed a Break Tackle and double-gfi to mark the ball, and the Ag 4 lino dodged like an elf to break free and into scoring range.
But the Dwarves would not roll over, and knocked down the lino and a Runner tried for a double-gfi pickup - which failed. The ulf cleared the runner, and the Ag 4 lino tried for a no-RR double-gfi for the score - which also failed, leaving the ball in the endzone marked by the ulf. A 1d Pow stunned the ulf, and the dwarves recovered, and gfi'd beyond any reasonable blitz range.
The Sons had a VERY slim chance for a -2d Blitz against the no-block/dodge Runner, but the dodge failed, tie game, 1-1.