Well played by Emanukio. Hard pressed the ball in the first drive but stalled just too long and I avoided the 1-0 by the half. The babes recovered 3 of 4 but the witch was not one of them. The CAS mounted quickly in the second half and so no cage coverage was possible for the elf ball carrier who was blitzed. The ball was cayched by the necros and moved forward.
Still an awesome blitz by the ag5 lino let the ball loose but with few elves in reach to help a possible pick up by the loner (at -3). He never had the chance anyway. Necros blocked the last 2 elves remaining near the ball and the star wolf picked it up to rush forward.
Thanks for the game, mate.
PS: I started a necro team (away from my usual slann and vamp teams) to try to show myself whether I am able to win a tournament with a proper team. It seems I can. Now, keep trying with the handicapped teams. Go slanss! ;)”
Well played by Emanukio. Hard pressed the ball in the first drive but stalled just too long and I avoided the 1-0 by the half. The babes recovered 3 of 4 but the witch was not one of them. The CAS mounted quickly in the second half and so no cage coverage was possible for the elf ball carrier who was blitzed. The ball was cayched by the necros and moved forward.
Still an awesome blitz by the ag5 lino let the ball loose but with few elves in reach to help a possible pick up by the loner (at -3). He never had the chance anyway. Necros blocked the last 2 elves remaining near the ball and the star wolf picked it up to rush forward.
Thanks for the game, mate.
PS: I started a necro team (away from my usual slann and vamp teams) to try to show myself whether I am able to win a tournament with a proper team. It seems I can. Now, keep trying with the handicapped teams. Go slanss! ;)”