#8 Szeraltrin Shadowszneak II. – Fractured Leg (MNG)
“"Recovered the ball, secured it in a cage, and weathered 2 suicide blitz attempts..."
Haha i like that wording, this game can make you feel like being in a storm at times.
Was an entertaining and fun match. Ultimately i made crucial mistakes on both my opening plays and as solid as my play first half might have been, i was lucky that i could recover the ball in the first place, as you pointed out.
And suicide blitzes were all your plays left me with in the end. :)
Always hard to tell when you are doing too much +2 rolls and when not with elfes.
Certainly theres much room for lessen them in my plays in any case. As dreaded as the sight of all those snakes may be, i enjoyed playing some elfball again for a change.
When it goes well i foster the illusion they might help me improving my positional eventually. You can at least better choose patterns with ag4 is the maybe misleading thought that gets me (and i certainly could chose better ones).
Anyway, enjoyed the match and will probably activate some lousy elfball in box again soon. o/”
“Wow, 2 games in a row against non-mutant/non-bashy teams. Not that these elves couldn't hit, since we had to use the apothecary on an early CAS against Piledriver. Very tense game with back and forth action. Ball changed hands a few times in the first half, but the elves ended up with it and we just couldn't slow their roll. But we did remove some bodies from the pitch and it paid off in the 2nd half. In T4 I had to decide to stall or try for the win. I decided to throw caution to the wind and went for it all. It nearly didn't pay off, but a few too many unlucky GFIs by the d'ark el'ves gave us the opening we needed. Recovered the ball, secured it in a cage, and weathered 2 suicide blitz attempts that never quite made it to the ballcarrier. Good tough game with no permanent damage. We got Shadowszneak back for that early suicide blitz that won his team the ball and ultimately that score in the first half. That'll teach you to be a hero! Hehehe.
Thanks for the game, albinv. It could have gone several different ways, I'm just glad to see I'm not the only coach whose elves sometimes forget what AG4 is.
I've now played 6 games in the current Human League season. While I probably won't complete a Sprint, it is the most games I've ever played in a season. I'm hoping to be able to improve on this next season.”
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Haha i like that wording, this game can make you feel like being in a storm at times.
Was an entertaining and fun match. Ultimately i made crucial mistakes on both my opening plays and as solid as my play first half might have been, i was lucky that i could recover the ball in the first place, as you pointed out.
And suicide blitzes were all your plays left me with in the end. :)
Always hard to tell when you are doing too much +2 rolls and when not with elfes.
Certainly theres much room for lessen them in my plays in any case. As dreaded as the sight of all those snakes may be, i enjoyed playing some elfball again for a change.
When it goes well i foster the illusion they might help me improving my positional eventually. You can at least better choose patterns with ag4 is the maybe misleading thought that gets me (and i certainly could chose better ones).
Anyway, enjoyed the match and will probably activate some lousy elfball in box again soon. o/”