“We huffed and we puffed but we couldn't make any inroads against the Undead offence here. The Undead received and then Headcrusher saw a ghoul surf chance but managed to slip up just a step before being able to get at it. Ikit spent most of the half trying to manoeuvre a zombie off the pitch but made hard work of it and we did have a chance to surround a mummy and claw him but couldn't hurt him. A couple of attempts at the carrier didn't work out (sure hands helped the ghoul out) and with Ritz ko'd we hoped to take someone out in return when we setup for t8 after their TD. Alas a blitz kickoff occurred and Headcrusher was ko'd by a mummy! A lino had also used up the apo's work earlier on. The 2 kos didn't return all match and we went for a quick TD via Skeetz. On their next drive we tried to get at the Undead early. A few rats got across their line but the 2nd GR was tripped up and then Terronautes unleashed their power and dispatched most of our team from the pitch. They even badly hurt two rats with hard fouls which made the ref laugh greatly.
Tough game against an organized, guard filled Undead side where we couldn't seem to get going.”
Tough game against an organized, guard filled Undead side where we couldn't seem to get going.”