CTV 1530k Human


Inducements: 1 bribe
Goblin CTV 1490k+50k

17000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 2 bribes
#19 Tristan Clumsyrock – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#6 Kalla – Dead (RIP)
#14 Maikl – Gouged Eye (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
W 'Sweetness" Peyton LEGENDARY blitzer for the Buccaneers is stalling out the match but he gets cornered on his own endline on the final turn of the match. The Goblins send in the chainsaw to make short work of this living legend and hopefully can secure the tie.
The Chainsaw wielding looney comes charging at Peyton. Peyton in a defensive posture blocks the chainsaw with the ball and peyton dives to the ground to get out of the way of the blades.
The ball is deflated and sticks to the cleats of the chainsaw, the looney just looks at the deflated ball getting ground up into pigskin shavings. He starts cackling in laughter at the sight and just stands there.
Coach Diceskill is yelling for somebody, anybody to pick up the ball but no goblin in his right mind would get near that chainsaw.
Diceskill starts yelling at the refs that it is unfair that the ball is stuck on the chainsaw. The ref looks at Diceskill, raises his whistle to his mouth and blows it. GAME OVER BUCCANEERS WIN on a deflated ball stuck to a chainsaw!!!!
Diceskill proceeds to run out of the dug out, get in the refs face and yell at the ref as he runs off the field to the refs locker room.......CHEATING BASTARD REFS!!!!!!!!