After a rather quick first half in which the Lords get rid of opponent vamps quickly, the second half was a tense and intense game to see.
The Suckers easily scored but gave plenty of time to score for the Lords. Which they eventually did. But worth specting the 3 last turns of the game in both sides.
In 3 turns, we have the Lords ready for an easy score down the line to a Suckers' thrall ball carrier near the scoring line to, again, the Lords running 15 squares in turn 16 to score. Worth your time.
Thanks Prov, for your excellent game and sportmanship.”
After a rather quick first half in which the Lords get rid of opponent vamps quickly, the second half was a tense and intense game to see.
The Suckers easily scored but gave plenty of time to score for the Lords. Which they eventually did. But worth specting the 3 last turns of the game in both sides.
In 3 turns, we have the Lords ready for an easy score down the line to a Suckers' thrall ball carrier near the scoring line to, again, the Lords running 15 squares in turn 16 to score. Worth your time.
Thanks Prov, for your excellent game and sportmanship.”