CTV 1640k Necromantic Horror

No change

Inducements: 1 bribe
Chaos Chosen CTV 1650k

18000 (1 FAME)

No change
Inducements: 1 bribe
#3 Frankn – Gouged Eye (MNG)
#9 PomerolĀ² – Dead (RIP)
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1st half, the Doombringers slowly marched down the pitch, taking Werehound after Werehoud off the pitch. Regen was working well this game overall at the least. He finally scored on turn 8. A riot gave me 2 turns to score, but I played badly and did not take proper advantage of this gift. I did manage to take KO a CW with Guard.
2nd half, My guys recovered from KO, while his did not. Soon, Surehoof died and came back as a Zombie. Being down 1-0, I scored quickly to tie it up and leave enough time to win it if possible. After the drive, I was up 11 players to 7, but the Doombringers began again to take Werehounds off the pitch, evening up the numbers rather quickly. Still, I had a shot at the STR5 Ball carrier with a 2db, but it failed to knock him down. Then in desperation, I did a -2db and got POW,POW. And the ball! but it was for naught as I was in turn knocked down and a beast got the ball. My last ditch effort with 1db frenzy blitz with no RR's ended in a skull, allowing him to score on turn 8
Surehoof takes PomerolĀ² place on the roster, while Staying dead learns to strip ball.