CTV 1760k+380k Dwarf
60k (-10000)
Inducements: 1 bribe, 1 wizard, Star player Flint Churnblade
Nurgle CTV 2150k
70k (-30000)
20000 (1 FAME)
#10 Mihangel Gold-Onyx – Dead (RIP)
#2 Corruption III – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#3 Ulcer – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Second half, with the return of the Beast of Nurgle, odds seems against me. But Flint Churnblade avoided the POW in rival Blitz, so the game changed radically. He wasn't played to avoid the tie, but to avoid to lose more players. And that usually didn't work with a defense tactic, so I killed a 244 SSP Nurgle Warrior with a Chainsaw foul.
After that, he started to disconnect/connect without a word. Finally, with enough time to move and with only one Rotter to move, I used the time out. Few turns after, he said that the needs to leave (with only 3 turns left). Lolwut?
Several minutes later, I see a pm for finish the game. With my surprise, times runs out during his leaving, and with me acting and with half of my team still to move he forced a time out. A time out forced by him, because I did the "same".
Of course, nothing like "gratz" after my td, or anything after the end of game. But hey, was my problem LOL.
I lost pixels. You too. Accept it, grow up and play fun. Isn't that hard.”