#1 Mrs Frisby – Smashed Hip (-MA) #2 Nicodemus – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST) #3 Jeremy – Serious Concussion (-AV) #12 Water carrier – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
“The Babes dominated. Whether it was all that oestrogen in one place or the pre-match team talk I don't know but we never got a look in. Not a dicing, just some well played clawpomb that we didn't cope with very well.
Note to self, 11 players to take on this sort of team isn't going to work too often.
Well played Calcium. Felt a misunderstanding got us off on the wrong foot, sorry. I look forwards to your teams bringing mayhem and destruction to mine again in the future.”
Note to self, 11 players to take on this sort of team isn't going to work too often.
Well played Calcium. Felt a misunderstanding got us off on the wrong foot, sorry. I look forwards to your teams bringing mayhem and destruction to mine again in the future.”