CTV 1250k Dwarf

12000 (2 FAME)
No change

Elven Union CTV 1160k+90k


Inducements: Mercenary Merc Lineman 1
#11 Brandon McDonald – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#18 Yorick Deeporc – Broken Ribs (MNG)
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Dwarves got out guarded by elves and paid the price
1st half, I had a plan, but the plan backfired when I could not knock down elves at an alarming rate--eventually lost the ball and they scored on turn 8. Apothecary did save one of the runners from death (though I have forgotten which one now)
2nd half, the elves quickly scored, and then I took the rest of the half to get a consolation TD. Actually, the 2nd half drive by the Techies of Karak followed the plan set out in the 1st half almost to a T....
Grime gets the MVP and takes some lessons from Dave and DeAngelo about how to better assist his teammates (finally have guard).
Finish the season 20 NCBB Non-AQ schedule with a 1/3/2 record. Not horrible, but not great either. ”