“I chose to kick first half. He scored on turn 4 after some pressure of mine. Slowly removing his players, I then reciprocated the TD through a well built turn 8 Defence.
2nd half I caged up, and waltzed down the field trying to kill every Elf in my path. I scored on turn 7 after he pressured my ball carrier and I was no longer in a safe position. Giving him 2 turns to score, I assumed this was going into OT. On my turn 8 I got a 1 die POW on his ball carrier. Unfortunately, or fortunately (depending on the side of the field you were on) the ball bounced into a different elf's hand. I assumed he would dodge through tackle zone for the typical elf score. Elyoukey decided to pass the ball instead. Then luckily for me, or unlucky for he (depending on the side of the field you were on) my ag 4 ghoul intercepted the ball for a 2-1 win. ”
2nd half I caged up, and waltzed down the field trying to kill every Elf in my path. I scored on turn 7 after he pressured my ball carrier and I was no longer in a safe position. Giving him 2 turns to score, I assumed this was going into OT. On my turn 8 I got a 1 die POW on his ball carrier. Unfortunately, or fortunately (depending on the side of the field you were on) the ball bounced into a different elf's hand. I assumed he would dodge through tackle zone for the typical elf score. Elyoukey decided to pass the ball instead. Then luckily for me, or unlucky for he (depending on the side of the field you were on) my ag 4 ghoul intercepted the ball for a 2-1 win.