CTV 1100k+50k Skaven

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Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
Chaos Renegade CTV 1180k

12000 (2 FAME)

#9 Langweiler – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#11 Tagedieb – Fractured Arm (MNG)
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Ranked Invasion Cube 001 made contact with new species: Skaven. Enemy party consisted of eleven subjects with biological and technological distinctiveness ready for assimilation. Analysis of this new species power is indeterminate.
Information acquired: The entities refer to themself as Skaven or Rats. They are very fast and agile. Test Drones had difficulties to pin Skaven subjects down permanently. Even if they got pinned down, subjects recovered quickly and got out of reach before Test Drones could react in 69,435% of all cases. Conclusion: Technological updates are needed to handle these situations more effectively.
Threat assessment: Low. Subjects rely on speed to stay out of our Drones' reach. The small number of events that lead to an attack by their forces had almost none effect but threw back on them in 16,729%.”