CTV 1680k Chaos Chosen


Dwarf CTV 1610k+50k

15000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: Card Gromskull's Exploding Runes
#5 Flashback – Groin Strain (MNG)
#18 Trey Silentfield – Dead (RIP)
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1st half I scored in 5 turns--this time no riot by the fans gave me a much better chance of defending--plus the exploding runes..all 3 or 4 throws went where I wanted them to do--only got Knock downs (well, one stun), but it still helped a lot.
2nd half, I couldn't stop their score, being down 4+ players (2 SW thrown out, a BH and a kill..plus a KO), but delayed them long enough that there wasn't much time for them to score a 2nd time.
Flashback strained his ground, but did get the TD and a Casualty.. When he comes back he'll be faster.
Darn it..a Journeyman got the MVP and didn't die..and I didn't hire them..oops..well, back up to 2 Slayers at least.
Both Blitzers and Slayers now have 7 or less games played..it's been a rough stretch for my positionals.....