CTV 1680k+60k Norse

40k (-10000)

Inducements: Star player Boomer Eziasson
Skaven CTV 1740k

18000 (1 FAME)

No change
#6 Simean – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#9 Dwight – Smashed Hip (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The first half started off with the both teams armour standing up surprisingly well...my boys down 2 off 11 blocks and the rats still at full strength after 25+ blocks....how could this be so? I hear you ask....
The turning point in the game came early in the second half with the rats armour finally failing after 40+ blocks. The flood gates open and the opponents bench became full, all to quickly...not that this was a one-sided match and credit due to my opponent with few numbers and without the failing armour I am sure the win would not have been so easily won.
Thanks for the game and well played - an enjoyable match and no doubt with even dice, you sir, would certainly be the victor! ”