CTV 1270k+50k Ogre

15000 (1 FAME)
No change

Inducements: Card Greased Shoes
Chaos Chosen CTV 1320k


#6 Tulhu II – Dead (RIP)
#10 Louki – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#12 Apooppis II – Dead (RIP)
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We knocked out a beastmans on the los and on turn 2 had a chance to foul the Claw MB guy with +2 but refused it, maybe wrongly.
Found it difficult to move forward due the stuns and cas the Claw MB dude was generating, and eventually too many boneheads stopped our chances of a td and even worse led to a defensive score for the Chaos.
2nd half I think I had gone on tilt and made a dumb blitz with Arnie and rolled triple down, burning my RR early so when the chance came on turn 3 of a simple 4+ dodge for 2D on the ball I had no RR for the inevitable bonehead.
Despite this some brave snots managed to hold up the ball so I could get there with an Ogre. Worst mistake of the match was made here as I played it safe and blitzed the CW marking him so he could just mark the beast. Ofc he made the 8/9 dodge and scored. I should definitely have tried the 4+ dodge and tried to hit him, especially when already 1-0 down.
Could have probably scored a consolation but a bonehead fail didn't help my bad play.
At least we killed a mans. Don't think I'll replace Jay Cutler - we need to min-max to the max to have a chance of doing well!
Thanks for the game dude. Felt like a dicing at the time but watching the replay it was fine. Well played, GG.