CTV 1270k+290k Underworld Denizens
No change
Inducements: Star player Nobbla Blackwart, Star player Skitter Stab-Stab
Skaven CTV 1580k
11000 (1 FAME)
#5 Rat Leahy – Dead (RIP)
#7 Joe Ratko III – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#9 Mark Ratsineau IV – Dead (RIP)
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The Rats started the second half with the ball and still only five players. It was 2-1 before the Slimeballs could take a step. The Slimeballs worked the ball back down the field, killing original New York kicker Rat Leahy in the process (as well as the latest incarnation of Mark Ratsineau). The Rats could not effectively defend, but the Slimeballs scored with 3 turns to spare, perhaps hoping to get a victory.
It was not to be. Ratt Snell was unavailable for the final kickoff, but Curtis Ratmin took the ball most of the way down the field. When he was taken out along the sideline, the crowd helpfully chucked the ball to trailing lineman Randy Ratsmussein. Randy found himself flanked by Slimeballs, but he was able to put together a one-die pow, 4+ dodge, 4+ pickup, 3+ dodge, 2+ GFI turn to score the go-ahead TD.
The Slimeballs left Skitter Stab-Stab alone in the backfield in an effort to score in two turns. The ball went right to Stab-Stab, but as he was looking up to make the catch, a rock from the crowd took him out, fizzling the Slimeballs best chance to pull out a draw. Some goblin-throwing and goblin throwing ended unsuccessfully and the Rats took the win.
Both teams are likely eliminated from the playoff run at this point”