CTV 1910k+150k Lizardmen

60k (-20000)

Inducements: 1 wizard
Vampire CTV 2060k
40k (-30000)

20000 (1 FAME)

#12 Zabdoo SillySkink – Dead (RIP)
#4 Senyor Quatre – Smashed Hand (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Pro (General) A player with this skill is a hardened veteran. Such players are called professionals or Pros by other Blood Bowl players because they rarely make a mistake. Once per turn, a Pro is allowed to re-roll any one dice roll he has made other than Armour, Injury or Casualty, even if he is Prone or Stunned. However, before the re-roll may be made, his coach mustrollaD6.Onarollof4,5or6there-rollmaybemade.Onarollof 1, 2 or 3 the original result stands and may not be re-rolled with a skill or team re-roll; however you can re-roll the Pro roll with a Team re-roll.
Team Re-Rolls and the Kick-off Table
You may not re-roll the result on the Kick-Off table with a team re-roll. In addition, subsequent rolls from Kick-Off events such as the D3 roll for Brilliant Coaching or D6 for Riot may not be re- rolled. A team re-roll may not be used for any catch roll when the ball lands: however, players may use the Catch or Pro skill to re- roll the catch roll.
Thanks for the fun Jokaero!”