CTV 1300k Dwarf

No change

Elven Union CTV 1340k

11000 (1 FAME)

#4 Dalwhinnie – Damaged Back (NI)
#6 Fettercairn – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#3 Reine – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
#4 Aimee – Groin Strain (MNG)
#10 Edmee – Damaged Back (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
But seriously, who could have resisted that temptation? You are a dwarf team playing elves. Sure, it is the last turn of the half.... sure you had to reroll one set of skulls..... but you have a Mighty Blow, Pile On slayer with a two die block on a skilless elf. Do you have your runner step into the end-zone, or try to take out one more elf before half?
Yeah...snake eyes. That not only kept the score at 0-0 but it let a pair of dwarfs get surfed with one taking a permanent injury. (The crowd had inflicted the other permanent injury earlier in the half.)
The second half was classic elf. Without a full squad on the field, the dwarf defense was stretched. The catcher would stall out the score until the bottom of the 7th turn. 1-0 Dwarfs.
Just to rub salt in the wound, the kickoff rolled up a blitz allowing Helewise to score to end the game.
With the massive guard wall in the dwarf favor, this did not go how I expected. I would have been happy to escape with a 1-1 draw. The mostly lineman dwarf squad is one I like to use, but I like to go with two blitzers instead of a slayer and runner. I am also shocked that I only suffered two perm injuries. Since both were to line elves, I will replace one and move on with business as usual.
I look forward to the rematch.”