CTV 1400k Wood Elf

12000 (1 FAME)
No change

Dwarf CTV 1390k
#3 Brian Whitelightning – Smashed Knee (NI)
#5 Fredrick Palebrook – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#9 David Goldstone – Smashed Hip (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The first half started with me receiving...we started out OK managing to grab the ball and cage up with some guards. He had an agility 5 and a st 4 wardancer looming somewhere on the other side of the lineman so we we were wary. We had some pretty unsuccessful blocks, knocking down 3 lineman and failing to knock the tree down. Here we go. His turn proves even more folly then mine a few pushes and a tree that knocks himself to the ground. Nice!
Turn 2 he surprisingly leaves a catcher right out in the open with my MB in sight. We have to have a taste of that. Moving into position we get a 3 die blitz and get a SI; -AV! The Apo is in the loo apparently and he gets carted off the field.
The next 5 turns were back and forth as we slowly moved down the pitch managing only a KO in the stretch. He was keeping his distance and my blocks were limited.
Turn 7 we did open a hole and got into a good position to score. On turn 8 our Troll Slayer got another casualty...and we score! Going according to plan. That was until on Turn 8 with some cleverness and a lot of rolls he gets a chainpush OTS. UGGH... At best we are probably hoping for a tie with these WD's still on the pitch.
Turn 1 of the second half and we are kicking...our kicker does his job and the Elves are suddenly scared. They fail a block, use a reroll ane then can not pick up the ball. Game time. We get into position and KO an elf by the ball. Suddenly we are feeling a little better with some good positioning and superior numbers.
Turn 2 is the big mistake for the elves I feel...the catcher fails to pick up the ball and they do not burn a reroll. After not positioning anyone we are sitting pretty to swarm. We get another KO and have a bad bounce of the ball. Oh well, we are still positioned OK except for the guy he is going to surf. So we are down a guy finally and the Elves are in good position but still the ball is on the turf. I know they are feeling better. My MB lino is not happy. So on turn 2 he blitzes his Ag 5 WD....KILLED! Woot, we LIKE it! The Apo runs onto the pitch and is able to revive him but he will have a constant reminder of that hit for the rest of his days. :-)
With my Tackles positioned well he has to burn a reroll on the next turn trying to dodge... He then fails to get my marker off the ball and fails the pickup. The Elves are demoralized...we can feel it.
Turn 3 we KO another Elf and grab the ball.
His turn 4 he does some Elfy business with his St4 wardancer and grabs the ball surrounded by Dwarfs....well, hello there! :-) We knock him down... BH the other catcher and grab the ball. We then KO another Elf and what do you do to a Wardancer in the turf? Kick him. We do and get a KO. We will take it!
Turn 5 he has 2 elves and a tree left....he fails to knock down my Runner and hits the turf. We advance and boot the elf who is KO'd. Now with one elf and a tree it is game over...
Great game, could have easily gone either way. Thanks for the game Spartako. Despite the injuries it is good to see an Elf team in the box! Good Luck!