“THere are two types of methods for learning the required skills to play the game of Bloodbowl. Some immediately take to the game and quickly pick up all the knowledge and physical ability, along with rare and exotic abilities with a simple and elegant ease.
Since instead, Grelle and my young master have both taken a more leisurely approach to acquiring said knowledge, I suppose the journey is the important part.
No matter, For the time being, I will learn all the required skills myself. After all, if I couldn't hog the spp, what sort of a butler would I be?
You see, they're simply one hell of a bloodbowl team. . . ”
Since instead, Grelle and my young master have both taken a more leisurely approach to acquiring said knowledge, I suppose the journey is the important part.
No matter, For the time being, I will learn all the required skills myself. After all, if I couldn't hog the spp, what sort of a butler would I be?
You see, they're simply one hell of a bloodbowl team. . . ”