“More elves. Second game in a row versus elves. Oh joy! Not.
Worse yet these are the resistant brand of elves... no av 7 here to capitalize on.
When two diseases upon the world duel it out for corruption rights, the victor is the more adaptable disease. In this case, elves.
First half I received, got outrun. Rat ogre is KOed extremely early and stays out. Second half I kicked, got squished, failed gfi on the goal line by the rat ogre means I can't score a second time. 8 of... 12 failed gfis total, I think? For a 1-in-6 chance, I roll 1s way too much :P
Worse yet these are the resistant brand of elves... no av 7 here to capitalize on.
When two diseases upon the world duel it out for corruption rights, the victor is the more adaptable disease. In this case, elves.
First half I received, got outrun. Rat ogre is KOed extremely early and stays out. Second half I kicked, got squished, failed gfi on the goal line by the rat ogre means I can't score a second time. 8 of... 12 failed gfis total, I think? For a 1-in-6 chance, I roll 1s way too much :P
Fun match, the chatter made it worth it. :)”