A fitting end to the tournament. I'm not as good with dwarves as I sometimes think I am. Or I just need more practice with this format. Either way, this was my first draw and I was happy to get it. Lizards continue to be my bane. Flint had one foul and got a KO before getting tossed by the ref. Really could have used him. But the 4 CAS we got helped us in the tiebreakers to move up a few spots. Looks like I'm currently 61st overall but there are still games to be played. Will be interesting to see how we fared in the end, and more importantly, amongst dwarf teams.
Thanks for a fun game, Nobbaet. Hope to play you again.”
Game 6
A fitting end to the tournament. I'm not as good with dwarves as I sometimes think I am. Or I just need more practice with this format. Either way, this was my first draw and I was happy to get it. Lizards continue to be my bane. Flint had one foul and got a KO before getting tossed by the ref. Really could have used him. But the 4 CAS we got helped us in the tiebreakers to move up a few spots. Looks like I'm currently 61st overall but there are still games to be played. Will be interesting to see how we fared in the end, and more importantly, amongst dwarf teams.
Thanks for a fun game, Nobbaet. Hope to play you again.”