CTV 1600k Nurgle


Amazon CTV 1450k+150k


Inducements: 1 wizard
#8 Billy Palebone – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#3 Zabel – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#15 Bal – Smashed Knee (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
This was a close game that I was not expecting to win. I entered the tournament with this team because it was my highest TV team besides Ura Tool, and they're busy at the moment. I did not stop the score in the 1st half, and the Amazons were able to stall until T8 so I couldn't even try to equalize. Second half I may have goaded coach Khor_Varik into using the wizard a bit early by demanding the fireball (and setting up a nice juicy clump). He got 2 of 5 down, but not the ballcarrier. His follow-on Blitz dropped the carrier but Tsathoggua caught it. The defensive pressure and my lack of foot speed both forced me to score early and the Amazons had plenty of time to get the win. Both coaches pulled off some nice chain pushing to first secure the ball carrier, then expose her. I made one block too many and had to burn my reroll before I could blitz the carrier. The blitz was only a push, and all the Zons needed was a dodge and a gfi to win. They failed the dodge and we went to OT. They won the toss, but we got a Blitz! We were up 11 to 10 and were able to get pressure on the ballcarrier. It took a bit, but we finally got it loose and recovered. The Zons were failing dodges left and right by this point. Their last attempt was a 1 die blitz that needed a dodge and 2 gfis. They made the first two rolls, but failed the last one even with the reroll and another girl left the pitch. I high-tailed it into the end zone to get the shocking upset. Well, shocking to me anyway.
Thanks for the game, KV. I think the dice had more to do with the win than my coaching, but I suppose I limited my mistakes enough to give the dice a chance to work. Onto the next round and some orcs who want a rematch against me.
Update: thanks for the corrections and clarifications. I did forget about both S4 players being out (the early CAS and those KO rolls really didn't help). ”