CTV 1450k+100k Human


Inducements: 1 bribe
Necromantic Horror CTV 1550k

20000 (1 FAME)

#8 Micheal Rumpfhorner – Dead (RIP)
#10 David Hintenschlumpfer – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#11 Theo Geinmannsteiner – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
"Wolves, the walking dead, two hulking abominations and some crypt spirits united only by their lust for our blood. What do we do?"
"Stake them!"
"I ask you again, brave Men, what will you do when your comrades fall around you and the stench of the Undeath fills your nostrils?"
"We STAKE 'em!"
With a load roar the Men leave their lockerroom, chanting their team's words, ready for what may come. Theo Geinmannsteiner, teamcaptain, even though not of noble birth, looks at their backs as they walk away. That should inspire the men a bit.
The match starts and the Men, nor the undeaths are playing their A-game; the ball slips away multiple times and blocks seem to fail a lot. The Unspeakable is mostly staring intently at some of the zombies, reminiscing that one time he scored a touchdown. All in all both teams manage to score twice, despite their bad form.
It was not for lack of trying, but the Men fail to stake any of the horrors; Karl goes on a small rampage at the start, but the numbers of the undeath stay high.
In the end the day ends on a grimm note. The score is tied, but star-catcher Theo has met his demise at the claws of the wolf called Bennu, and the team's necromancer quickly raised him from the dead, to face his former comrades!
To add insult to injury lineman Micheal was crushed to his untimely death as well. Death on the pitch. Management has issues a statement that whoever manages to destroy the foul being known as Bennu will be rewarded handsomely; on or off the pitch, we want the cretin dead!
We STAKE 'em!