“It was a fun match that saw the gobbos keep it fun and exciting all the way through...these are the kind of matches I love to play and hope a potential rematch sometime down the road.
#4 Stick Steve – Smashed Hand (MNG) #9 Flax X – Smashed Hip (-MA)
“Another match where Mr. Lollipop (also called the Meteor) did a great job in wiping out a large number of sauri. But even he couldn't keep the skinks from stealing the ball and score a defensive touchdown in first half. A bad kick and a couple of chainpushes, however, allowed Steve to score an unexpected one-turn touchdown. The lucky streak continued, when Flex, the strength-boosted muscle goblin, was tossed down the pitch to take down the unprotected skink ball carrier. With numbers slowly decreasing, the goblins managed to take down the ball carrier once more after kick-off, but the Cthonian Madness managed to regain control quickly and score for a draw. A last minute effort for another, "conventional", one-turn touchdown failed.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Well played!”