CTV 1470k+50k Skaven

15000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: Card Magic Gloves of Jark Longarm
Simyin CTV 1530k


#4 Team Captain Skendo McFleas – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
#5 The Tough Call – Dead (RIP)
#9 The Obvious Linefodder – Dead (RIP)
#13 Art Tatum – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
You can see from the injury report how well that went. Skendo would have been dead too were it not for the Apo doing his job for once.
We recieved first half, for once, but it didn't help much after I scored early. The rat ogre decided sleeping off the game would be better than participating in it, and after a second turn KO, he was out for a bit and Wilded most of the other time. The rest of the rodents quickly followed suit as the monkeys made for the banana, and I could do little to slow down the tying score, turning this into a 2-1 grind with them receiving for the second half.
Second half the kills started coming. Skendo McFleas gets his life saved (MNG), while The Obvious Linefodder (Guard, Surehands) and the Tough Call (Accurate) both get splattered into the ground (one via surf, one via angry Silverback). I just ran out of bodies. And THEN there was the 6+ Pass 5+ Catch the monkeys did in turn 7 with gorillas.
The rats are just punching bag stand ins. Nothing of value lost... sorta... :P”