CTV 1580k+320k Norse

No change

Inducements: 1 wizard, Star player Boomer Eziasson, Star player Helmut Wulf
Dark Elf CTV 1900k
70k (-20000)


#91 Helmut Wulf – Smashed Knee (NI)
#8 Venus In Furs – Dead (RIP)
#9 Pauline Réage – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#11 René Girard – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#15 Anita Phillips – Broken Ribs (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Fate sailed with Spank
Across the Seals Road
To Herot the Golden
Gift hall of Hrothgar
The Geats waited
Bitter and vengeful
To force an accounting in blood
A blood price for past dishonour
Beowulf, full of wrath
Beowulf the Crafty
Long his revenge contemplated
Again his dragon was secreted
But Also Boomer the Short
Boomer of the Bomb
Was brought to Herot
And with him came Helmut the crazed
Helmut the Psycho
To consign the Elven Enemy
To bitter death.
The Gods once more wept
At the sight of the Heroes
Destined for winnowing
First the Marquis De Sade
Fell to the saw of Helmut
crafty and underhand
was that reckoning
Then Venus danced into action
Wrestling a Geat to the ground
Up Stepped Helmut the mad
The Saw of Woe
Sent Venus to the halls of her fathers
Blood crazed and careless
Helmut next removed
His own leg
Ending his path of carnage
But Spank had the ball
The elves huddled
In fear of the rampaging Geats
Forgetting for an instant
The Dragon in the stands
Not so Beowulf
At his signal
Flames descended
And the ball was loose
But it was not to be
Violence could not overmatch skill
The elves recovered to score
Next Boomer the bearded
Boomer of the bomb
Strode onto the pitch
But The hopes of the Geat were dashed
Little violence was done
Once more the Elves scored
Once more the game was decided
Vengeance now
The only object of the Geats
The blood price was taken
Pauline Reage and Anita Phillips
Paying in pain
For the dishonour of the geats
But Aeschere the gifted
Aeschere the Blessed
Rescued Geat Honour at the close
With his own touchdown
Reminding the Men of Herot
Of the purpose of the game ”