CTV 1480k Chaos Dwarf


Dwarf CTV 1420k+50k

22000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
#6 Stéphane Fiset – Dead (RIP)
#11 Richard – Dead (RIP)
#18 Aaron Clearorc – Dead (RIP)
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1st half I got beat up, but was able to score. By beat up, I mean that I had 2+ player stunned every turn I think (or at least it seemed so)--but no injuries before I scored on turn 5 or 6. Then on turn 8, as they were trying to score, Richard dies. Yeah, he's a guard, but not a huge loss. Still, by the 2nd half I'm down a couple of players (The ref caught my 1 foul, which didn't even break armor)
2nd half was bad as well. They scored on turn 3 or so, and I lost a Journeyman. Then I try to run out the clock..but nothing works at all. eventually I just stop standing players up because there is absolutely no point. Not as bad as the 4 SI's last game..but when is my apothecary going to start showing up again??
Will gets Guard..so I didn't loose a guard :) But with money in the bank, I think it is time to fire some hurt players (especially the MV5 slayer with +1MA/-1MA). Possibly the 3xNiggle runner.