CTV 2210k Dark Elf

70k (-40000)

Chaos Dwarf CTV 1820k+350k
20k (-10000)


Inducements: 1 wizard, Star player Rashnak Backstabber
#1 Jeremy Axeman VII – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
#5 Fear-ona Brute Force VI – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#8 Sir Trevor McChokehold VI – Fractured Skull (-AV)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
"You did say we needed to dig up some dirt", huffed Roarwrath as she heaved another bucket of soil over her shoulder.
"I, uh, I meant in the crooked politician... sense..." trailed off Crunchfight as he surveyed the scene. Anchors and journalists were engaged in earthmoving on a grand scale outside the News Team HQ. Axeman was furiously hacking at rocks with his mighty pickaxe, Tesla was looking at the ground and pouting in a bid to attract it out of the ground, and Doombleby was just running around yelling.
"FIRE IN THE HOLE" came the call from Kaboomsky, hurling a makeshift explosive into their midst. As they scattered from the mushroom of smoke and dirt, ears ringing, a new percussive sound entered the fray. Shield and axe smacked together. Clonk. Clonk. Clonk
"Oh dear", murmured Crunchfight, "we've struck dwarf"
Out of the hole they poured, beards bristling, big hats wobbling.
"THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A QUIET HOLIDAY BURROW", yelled one, smashing Fearona in the chest.
"I WAS TRYING TO SLEEP", screamed another, cracking McChokehold in the temple with an axe handle.
The news team scattered, fighting a retreat as best they could, until a roaring, livid bull centaur emerged.
"ROOOOOOOAR", he said, adding "RAAAAAAAH"
The remaining elves stood pressed against a wall, when from nowhere, another grenade flew into the hat-wearing horrors, blasting a gap for them to escape. As they sprinted down the road, carrying their wounded, the News Team saw a waving Roarwrath in the distance, hoisting a box of miscellaneous explosives.
"Bigods, that was from miles away", was all Crunchfight could manage
"When in doubt, long bomb", grinned Roarwrath.
We were just able to stop the dwarf advance in the first half through cunning use of making them roll skulls, and then an unlikely series of dodges and passes got the win on T16. Cloggy played good, but I got most of the luck. Onwards to orcs!”