CTV 1110k+340k Goblin

15000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 3 bribes, 1 bloodweiser keg, Star player Bomber Dribblesnot, Star player Fungus the Loon
Chaos Dwarf CTV 1450k


#10 Da Da Da – Smashed Knee (NI)
#14 Glix – Dead (RIP)
#16 Gobbo the Great – Groin Strain (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
My first time in a final with Chaos Dwarves, cdassak's first time in a final with goblin. Not our first time facing one another in a tournament, nor was it the first time for the Tauruses to face one of his teams either. We got a measure of revenge for our last meetup. But as I was coming off a 4 game nuffle-streak, I wasn't entirely confident that the streak was ending. Still, I could not have asked for a better matchup in terms of race. nuffle decided this was not going to be worth his effort to screw me again, so he decided to jump on cdassak's dice instead. The early double skulls on a troll sealed the first half. In fact, the trolls were responsible for a lot of broken plays this game. They did manage to land one TTM attempt, but the goblin tripped dodging away for the endzone. Once cdassak decided to keep all his players on the ground, nuffle decided to have a little fun with my scoring attempt. Suddenly, the Bull Centaurs couldn't roll a 4+ on 4 attempts at a catch and/or a pickup. So no skill for Bulgamesh this game.
All in all, though, I had the better dice and the favorable matchup. It's hard for goblins to climb up that hill. Thanks for the game, cdassak.
This is my second SMACK victory (in 5 finals I think).”