CTV 1570k+790k Amazon

21000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 wizard, 1 bribe, 2 bloodweiser kegs, Star player Helmut Wulf, Star player Roxanna Darknail, Mercenary Merc Linewoman 1
Chaos Chosen CTV 2370k
30k (-50000)


No change
#5 StÃ¥lhammar's 3rd sister – Dead (RIP)
#10 Fredricka the WO-Carnage – Groin Strain (MNG)
#11 Lypsinka – Dead (RIP)
#90 Helmut Wulf – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#12 Ozymandias – Damaged Back (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
"In my opinion, the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomenon." -Dr. Manhattan
The opening turns of this matchup were, in a word, disastrous. The Watchmen had grand hopes of knocking out a few of the Crossdressers early on and then cruising to a 2-1 victory. Those hopes were clearly not meant to be as time and time again the heroes failed to remove the curiously dressed women from the pitch.
Turn four proved to be the turning point. Our ball carrier, Ozymandias, was left only semi protected with the hope of luring the amazons into making contact that we could exploit. Little did we know that Lypsinka would go one step further - seriously injuring Ozymandias with a piling on block. Disaster, as Ozymandias was our only dedicated ball handler.
The ploy was costly, but it worked. Mothman, Sally Jupiter, and Nite Owl all took full advantage and laid into the Crossdressers with casualties of their own. Over the next few turns the edge would creep towards the Watchmen side as several other knockouts eventually led to a turn 8 touchdown by Silk Spectre.
Watchmen Philosophy 1, Crossdressers 0
The second half began with a critical return by Hollis Mason, giving Watchmen Philosophy a full team of 11 to send to the pitch as well as another one of their crucial killers make an impact on defense. Coach Dhaktokh jeered for all he was worth, but the heroes of the Watchmen side remained nonplussed in their approach.
With a shallow kick to start the half, Mother of Rod fielded the ball along the sideline and made the push with Roxanna Darknall. Hollis Mason was sent to the box again with a foul by Dicija Zweetheartic, but Sally Jupiter laid the pain on Lypsinka in return - ensuring that the dress-wearing beauty would never again roam the fields of Bloodbowl.
One final attempt was made at a touchdown as Coach Dhaktokh used the wizard to free Roxanna Darknail from the clutches of Rorschach. It worked, but the Comedian managed to sweep in at the last moment to contain the leaping agile witch elf.
After the successful stop on defense all that remained was collecting the ball and sprinting upfield for a bonus touchdown. Dollar Bill did the honors, striding across the line at the final whistle.
Watchmen Philosophy 2, Crossdressers 0
Thanks for a great match and goofy banter, Dhaktokh. Looking forward to a rematch at some point in the future. I was lucky to catch the Crossdressers when they were banged up a bit, but I'm sure it'll be a different story next time around.”