CTV 1590k+440k Dwarf

13000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 wizard, 1 bloodweiser keg, Star player Boomer Eziasson, Star player Flint Churnblade, Card Stolen Playbook
Wood Elf CTV 2060k
40k (-30000)


No change
#3 Bubba – Dead (RIP)
#7 Mitch – Dead (RIP)
#5 Joey Borsellino – Dead (RIP)
#8 Jordan Detweiler – Dead (RIP)
#10 Adam Hoogerwerf – Dead (RIP)
#11 Jacob Judd – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The dead almost outnumber the living after this game. I hired a wizard, having forgot the rule about no wizards..so I did not use him.
1st half the Elves score in 2 turns, giving Boomer only one chance to throw a bomb, which he got to the MV9 Catcher, but he Diving caught it and threw it back..so that was not good. (perfect defense helped stop the OTS) Then on the kickoff, Flint fails to break the Tree's AV, and then the Tree KO's Flint. Oh well, 190k inducements not effective. I don't remember if I had anyone KO'd so the Babe wasn't too effective either. Anyway, I was able to push in for a TD on turn 5. Then a double pow/skull stopped the OTS this time...and from here it was scramble for the ball...with the elves failing the GFI deep in my backfield to stop the TD. Halftime arrives with the score 1-1, 2 dead elves, one BH dwarf and 2 SW's thrown out.
2nd half I receive and score on turn 3, along the way killing Adam, who had these injuries (-ag, -ma, n, -av, -ag) along with block and guard. Finally the Elves get their OTS in, and it's 2-2 with 5 turns to go. A blitz makes things look grim for the Dwarves of Karak. however, I get the ball out with Strip Ball, but it's on the sideline behind my runner. I use my dirty player card to get pass block as I expect the pass. My runner is blitzed, but only pushed back and still next to the ball. My other runner (with pass block now) gets to use pass block to put a TZ on the thrower...and it works! the roll was a 3 for the quick pass..in one TZ would have been accurate..but in 2 TZ's it was inaccurate!!! (wow). By turn 8, I've scored, but one of my slayers is now dead. However, the Leatherbarks now have 1 KO, 2 BH and a SI to go along with the 3 dead. So it's 10 Techies vs. 7 Leatherbacks. The OTS try fails and Karak University goes home with their 1st win of the season!
Morris gains Juggernaut (by-passing +1 AG), Will replace Bubba and Mitch.
5 dead players between the two teams...every one of them with at least one skill. Brutal.
oh, and just look at those SPP's gained...29 (-2) and 21 (-7)
3 more completions for Thompson (makes 13 for the season!)”