CTV 1850k Chaos Chosen

40k (-10000)
15000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 bribe
Halfling CTV 940k+880k


Inducements: 1 halfling master chef, 1 bribe, Star player Deeproot Strongbranch, Star player Morg 'n' Thorg, Card Distract
#4 Hettinga III – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#5 Mister Blonde – Gouged Eye (MNG)
#10 Killer Kevin – Dead (RIP)
#15 Kit 'King of Violence' Klinkmann – Serious Concussion (-AV)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
To start, my master chef snared all 3 of WMD's re-rolls, and the Mercs won the coin toss. Morg, Deeproot, and the other trees got to work knocking out beastmen, while the flings grabbed after the ball. With the ref gotten at the start of the match, the boots were flying, and any beastmen that the big boys couldn't fully knock out were finished by halfling boots! Morg was an absolute force, both clogging up space and hitting hard. Killer Kevin was able to run away for a first-half score, and the Mercs would enter the second half with the lead!
This was already almost too much to hope for, but the luck continued. The chef again stole the full 3 re-rolls, putting a real cramp in the WMD's plans. Morg kept smashing dudes, and eventually decided he'd had enough fun and punched the ball in for a 2nd score. But he wasn't done! After a clever defensive play on the kickoff and a re-roll-less fumble, Morg was able to steal the ball for a final touchdown!
Notes for this least likely of outcomes:
Killer Kevin died, and his touchdown did not matter. RIP, Kevin.
The distract card failed to catch anybody bone headed - Bill's lone turn of decent dice.
Frank the Pirate was an especially good fouler. I'll have to watch the replay to see exactly how much carnage he inflicted. He's sure to skill to Dirty Player or at the very least Sneaky Git.
Thanks for the match, Bill. Sorry for the silly dice.”