CTV 1730k Slann
19000 (1 FAME)
Norse CTV 1620k+110k
Inducements: Star player Helmut Wulf
#1 Soltani – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#4 Josipovic – Gouged Eye (MNG)
#6 Silnov – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#14 Jongjohar – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#16 Majewski – Smashed Hand (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Across the gannets bath
The Homies of Beowulf
Bearing the blessing of Loki the trickster
And the dread saw of Wulf
To the home of Carls
Travellers on the path of Bifrost.
Fickle fate was with the northmen
Skill was not a factor.
Beowulf received and within moments
Nine of the Slann remained
Four times the saw descended
Before the ref saw the deed
By then Majewski was out
The Valkyries only denied
By the ministrations of Bones McCoy
But the Slann cracked the cage
Due to the ineptness of the men of the north
and went into the half 1 touch down up
but 4 players down.
The Slann then attempted to score
before the weight of the North
could destroy them
They were swamped but hopeful
until Silnov was tripped as he leapt
and broke himself in the landing
The ball fell well for the north
who scooped and equalised. ”